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Azalea hair clip featuring guava orange linen and off-white eyelet lace, worn over a ponytail on a woman with natural long red hair. She’s wearing a dark denim shirt and is shown from a back profile with her head to the side.Azalea hair clip featuring guava orange linen and off-white eyelet lace, worn over a ponytail on a woman with natural long red hair. She’s wearing a dark denim shirt and is shown from a back profile with her head to the side.
Azalea hair clip featuring guava orange linen and off-white eyelet lace, worn over a ponytail on a woman with natural long red hair. She’s wearing a dark denim shirt and is shown from a back profile with her head to the side.Azalea hair clip featuring guava orange linen and off-white eyelet lace, worn over a ponytail on a woman with natural long red hair. She’s wearing a dark denim shirt and is shown from a back profile with her head to the side.
Azalea hair clip featuring guava orange linen and off-white eyelet lace, placed over a white surface for product photography.Azalea hair clip featuring guava orange linen and off-white eyelet lace, placed over a white surface for product photography.
Azalea hair clip featuring guava orange linen and off-white eyelet lace, worn over a ponytail on a woman with natural long red hair. She’s wearing a dark denim shirt and is shown from a 3/4 front profile.Azalea hair clip featuring guava orange linen and off-white eyelet lace, worn over a ponytail on a woman with natural long red hair. She’s wearing a dark denim shirt and is shown from a 3/4 front profile.
Azalea hair clip featuring guava orange linen and off-white eyelet lace, worn over a ponytail on a woman with natural long red hair. She’s wearing a dark denim shirt and is shown from a back profile with her head to the side.
Azalea hair clip featuring guava orange linen and off-white eyelet lace, worn over a ponytail on a woman with natural long red hair. She’s wearing a dark denim shirt and is shown from a back profile with her head to the side.
Azalea hair clip featuring guava orange linen and off-white eyelet lace, placed over a white surface for product photography.
Azalea hair clip featuring guava orange linen and off-white eyelet lace, worn over a ponytail on a woman with natural long red hair. She’s wearing a dark denim shirt and is shown from a 3/4 front profile.

L'azalée respire le romantisme et l'élégance naturelle. Une simple queue de cheval basse se rehausse en quelques secondes grâce à cet accessoire charmant, idéal pour les shampoings entre deux lavages ou pour sublimer une tenue de mariée !

Confectionné en lin doux orange goyave, entouré d'une délicate dentelle à œillets blanc cassé, Azalea ajoute une touche de grâce à n'importe quelle coiffure.

Attaché à une barrette française robuste, ce clip offre une tenue sûre et élégante.

Chaque pince à cheveux est faite à la main, de légères variations peuvent donc se produire, rendant chaque pièce unique et spéciale.

Environ 14 cm de diamètre.